Sunday, November 18, 2012

Election Day

Several months ago, I found an awesome, FREE lapbook on the presidents.  Did I mention FREE?!  So i printed it and slowly got all the colored paper and card stock etc that it called for and printed it all out for 4 kids the weekend before election day.  I also printed out a map for each kid to color in as the states were "called" for a certain candidate.

The day of the election, we cut and pasted and colored and folded and put the lapbooks together.  (Mommy put together my Superhero's lapbook.)

Election night we all got cozy around the TV and watch the Election unfold.

Each kid filled in a map.

But soon, well....

As we all know it turned out to be a long night.  Even Daddy went to bed before it was all said and done.

Monday, November 12, 2012


As you probably guessed, I call my oldest son my President because he has said he wants to be the President of the United States of America since he was very young.  This being a presidential election year, we had been watching a lot of FoxNews and listening to a lot of TalkRadio.  Ok, ok! We have been obsessed.  But knowing I am raising a future president I feel obligated to educate myself and my son all about politics.  I have never been political at all so this year has been almost like a crash course.  Anyway, the week before the election we took the whole family to the Republican Headquarters here in our county in Tennessee.

It was the end of the day and since we do not live in a swing state (yes I am getting the jargon) there was not much to see.  Nonetheless, the kids asked questions and looked around.  We even brought home some bumper sticker to put on our school folders (not the car).

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Harvest Fest

My President is a Boy Scout and his troop worked a Harvest Fest Party this year.  The kids had a great time  and we brought home way too much candy and 2 cakes won by my girls at the cake walk.  There were many games, good food, and great music.  In today's hustle bustle world we often forget to slow down had spend time with our families.  I love holidays!  They give me a reason to do fun things with my kids and give me a chance to be a kid again myself.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Hunters

I sent my husband and my President to go hunting 2 weekends ago.  It was my President's first time.  Last month he took a hunters safety course and tied for the second best score.  We were all so excited for them to bring home a deer.

Unfortunately, no deer showed up. :-(  But i believe this may be a good thing.  At least he didn't have "beginner's luck" with no hope of getting another any time soon.  And they both had a great time!